Moo Hong

Moo Hong ( Southern Thai Braised Pork )


10 stick of Crab Stick | 7 “Hippo” Original Recipe Frozen Dough ( fried until crispy and golden brown ) | 500 g of pork belly |
5 of coriander root | 1 tablespoon of pepper | 2 tablespoons of minced garlic | 2 tablespoons of soy sauce | 2 table spoons
of oyster sauce | 2 tablespoons of sweet black soy sauce | 1 teaspoon of salt | 3 tablespoons of palm sugar | 3 of star anise
flower | 100 g of lettuce | “Wasabi-O” Wasabi Sauce | “Wasabi-O” Wasabi Red | Vegetable oil | Roasted peanuts


1. Cut pork belly into pieces
2. Fried skin pork until cooked ( don’t crispy ), scoop up the oil to drain
3. Pound coriander root, garlic, pepper and palm sugar to mix well
4. Heat the wok, add the oil then put it ingredient (no.3) stir-fry until fragrant, add pork and stir to combine.

Then add water to cover it
5. Seasoning with soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sweet soy sauce and star anise. Reduce heat and simmer for about 1 hour
(adding water if water is dry )
6. Simmer until pork tender
7. Put lettuce on “Hippo” Original Recipe Frozen Dough and then add pork and Crab Stick sprinkle roasted peanuts.

Served with “Wasabi-O” Wasabi Sauce and “Wasabi-O” Wasabi Red.

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